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What the Press has said . . .

1.   Daily Mail     13th September 2001

3.   Therapy Weekly     26th September 2002

2.   Daily Express  5th February 2002

4.   Daily Mail     12th November 2002

Reproduced from :     The Daily Mail,     13th September 2001

How silkworms have put an end to my back pain

By Anastasia Stephens

Since Amba Carrington came off her motorbike six years ago, the 28-year-old secretary has battled with severe stabbing pains in her lower back.

Now, thanks to an enzyme that allows silkworms to break out of their cocoons and fly away as butterflies, she is finally pain-free.

'For years, I took strong prescription painkillers and had injections to relax my back muscles, but nothing cut out the pain effectively,' says Amba.

'I was unable to drive, walk long distances or exercise. The pain was crippling and wiped me of energy. It was horrible - I felt like an old woman,'

Then, six weeks ago, Amba's doctor suggested she try a new supplement called SP-Zyme, which contains high levels of an enzyme called serrapeptase.

Costing £17.95 [
from a different supplier] for 60 caps, trials have found it to kill pain as effectively as anti-inflammatory painkillers, without causing side-effects such as damage to the gut wall.

For Amba, the enzyme has triggered an almost complete recovery.

'To begin with, I was quite cynical,' says Amba, 'But after a few days, I felt my back pain easing off, and after ten days it had gone completely. I can barely believe it, but today I am free from chronic pain.'

In nature, serrapeptase is made by bacteria which live in the intestines of silkworms. Secreted in their saliva, the enzyme is attracted to the dead or 'avital tissue' of the cocoon, which it dissolves.

The bacteria, however, have only recently been isolated, and their enzyme - serrapeptase - which is now commercially processed - put under scrutiny.

'The enzyme appears to block chemicals that cause inflammation,' explains Jeannette Manning from the company in America who market serrapeptase. 'It also dissolves dead tissues, such as scar tissue, without affecting live tissue. In trials in Germany, the enzyme was tested on 55 patients with damaged ligaments. Half the group was given the enzyme, the others a placebo.

The group receiving the enzyme healed almost twice as quickly. Swelling decreased by 50% by the third day and there was a significant reduction in pain.

'The accelerated healing is ascribed to the enzyme's action in removing damaged tissue and cutting inflammation, which causes pain. The enzyme also acts in a way to facilitate drainage of mucous from areas of damage or inflammation.'

The enzyme may also revolutionise treatment for heart attack and stroke patients by dissolving arterial plaque and life-threatening blood-clots.

While evidence is in its early stages, Japanese researchers have found it can completely dissolve plaque-like deposits in the arteries of animals - finding which could have radical implications for heart patients. By taking supplements of the enzyme, they could literally 'dissolve' their disease away.

Importantly, unlike blood-thinning agents which cause bruising and heighten the risk of internal bleeding, research shows serrapeptase to be free of side-effects.

The enzyme may also improve treatment for a range of other medical conditions. By targeting and dissolving dead tissue, serrapeptase can eliminate varicose veins.

It could also help with arthritis and sports injuries where scar tissue around the joints irritates the nerves, causing chronic discomfort.

'Serrapeptase will help with any problem associated with dead tissue, clotted material or mucous,' says Jeannette Manning.

'In arthritis, it reduces inflammation around the joints. In asthmatics or people with chronic sinusitis, it will help drain  mucous. It can even help with migraines if they are caused by inflammation.'

Dr Gary Margrove, from Birkdale, Lancashire, is one of the first doctors in Britain to assess the supplement.

'In the past few months, it has helped patients with mucosal conditions, such as asthma and migraines,' he says. 'Somehow, it helps to clear mucous. It's also helped three patients with arthritis, who now report that they are pain-free.'

For Amba Carrington, the enzyme has been a godsend.

'The motorbike accident left me in agony,' she says. 'It felt as though I as constantly being stabbed. I couldn't lift anything, sit for too long, or move too fast. I had to give up exercise and martial arts, which I used to love.'

Aside from pain, Amba also had to struggle with the damaging effect of anti-inflammatory painkillers on her gut. 'I developed ulceration and acid indigestion, which are common side-effects,' she says.

Amba began a course of serrazyme supplements in early October. 'I really didn't think they'd help much, but they've been incredible,' she says.

'I took three tablets three times a day [
180,000 units of serratia peptidase] , which, because of my condition, is higher than the recommended dose [40,000 units of serratia peptidase] . Within a weak, I'd come off all prescription painkillers.

'Now I can say for certain that the pain has virtually gone. My gut has begun to heal, too, and I can eat spicy foods that would previously irritate my stomach.'

'I feel like a new woman. I've taken up Tai-Chi and hope to be driving again soon. Best of all, I have so much more energy.'